
Sunday, March 12, 2006


This is an important notice from the AUN to all families in Valencia of all nationalities.

At the present time a vast majority of the inhabitants of the Valencian region are suffering from land problems, under threat of land problems or are worried about the damage to the environment caused by the land problems. It is therefore necessary and essential that every family living in Valencia voices their concerns by writing to various offices which are either helping in the fight or need to be advised of the land problems. So, please give copies of this letter to all your neighbours, friends and family for them to also write with their concerns even if they are not personally affected by LRAU/LUV.

If an office receives one letter regarding the land problems it could be dismissed as rubbish. If an office receives hundreds of letters relating to the LRAU it will realise that the law is wrong, that the law is abusive and that the law must be changed.

If we want the laws changed we must all fight. Each and every one of us must join in the battle and do our part. So please write. Fight and Write. If you do not know what to write the AUN offers a letter format which you can use. You can write one letter and copy it many times to the different offices.

A few minutes of your time could make all the difference and the struggle could be won sooner rather than later.

Write to.
Sindic de Greuges. - Go to the AUN website www.abusos-no.org click on Useful Contacts, then Sindic de Greuges, then click on English, read the page then fill in the form via the website or write by post to the address Calle Pascual Blasco, No.1, 03001, Alicante.

Write to
Rapporteur for Valencian Land Law Issues, Mme Janelly Fourtou MEP. Send e.mails to Mme Fourtou jfourtou@europarl.eu.int Or by post c/o David Lowe, The Secretariat, Committee on Petitions, European Parliament, Rue Wiertz, B-1047 Brussels, Belgium

Write to
Members of Parliament
To find your MEP go to the website
plus send a copy to mcashman@europarl.eu.int
(write to all political parties - not just who you would vote for – from the area you originate in the UK).

Ambassador: Stephen J. L. Wright CMG
Fernando el Santo 16
28010 Madrid
Tel 91 700 8200
Fax 91 700 8309
e.mail stephen.wright@fco.gov.uk

Consul: Russell Thomson
Plaza Calvo Sotelo, 1-2
03001 Alicante
Tel 965 21 60 22
Fax 965 14 05 28
e-mail Russell.Thomson2@fco.gov.uk

Write to
Local, regional and national newspapers, television and radio stations in the UK.

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