
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Valencia Life: 14.10.05
Rafael Blasco, the Conseller for the Territory, yesterday stated that the time would be extended for those who wanted to present an official stance against the new Valencian Land Law, better known as LUV. The Conseller added that the time had been extended specifically to accommodate the recommendations made by the European Union. It has also been confirmed that the Conselleria has received an official letter from the European Union over the land laws, and that it intended to answer next week - one month prior to the deadline set by the EU Regulations. The Conseller added that he understood that the European Union had 'appreciated' that it was necessary to do away with the LRAU that had been in existence since 1994 and that the new Law was the result of a lot of hard work and investigation by the actual Government of the Valencian Community.
Meanwhile, a statement from the European parliament added that members are considering a proposed draft of the preamble for the LUV, which has been circulated by Michael Cashman, who headed the fact-finding mission last June to the Valencian Community.

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