
Friday, September 10, 2004

Dear all
The King of Spain visited the OAMI yesterday for the Office's 10th anniversary celebrations. Several people gave speeches at the ceremony, including Camps who said how wonderful the Valencian Comunidad is and that he is sure that the officials of the OAMI feel so much at home in this beautiful region that they will never want to leave!
After the ceremony, the King circulated amongst the staff. I put myself in a prominent position, and he came up to shake my hand. So I asked if I could say a few words, and said I should like to draw his attention to the abusive land law in the Valencian Comunidad that allows developers to steal the land and houses from legitimate owners. At that stage, he grabbed Camps who was standing just behind him. I then said to Mr Camps, "you know all about the effects of the LRAU". He just looked at me with a fixed smile on his face. I had prepared a file with a letter (see text below), the EP Parliament report, some recent press cuttings (El País, Levante, The Times, Mail on Sunday and Daily Mail) and the AUN website address and e-mail contact. I gave the file to the King who passed it on to Camps.
(English translation follows)
Su Majestad D. Juan Carlos I Rey de España
Alicante, 9 de septiembre de 2004
Decenas de miles de residentes y contribuyentes en la Comunidad Valenciana, españoles y extranjeros, nos consideramos víctimas de abusos urbanísticos cometidos al amparo de la Ley 6/1994, Reguladora de la Actividad Urbanística en la Comunidad Valenciana (LRAU), y nos permitimos dirigirnos a su Majestad para denunciar una seria quiebra del Estado de Derecho, que está convirtiendo la vida de muchos pequeños propietarios en una autentica pesadilla.
Después de la visita a la región de su delegación oficial, la Comisión de Peticiones del Parlamento Europeo avaló las denuncias sobre abusos urbanísticos en la Comunidad Valenciana. Le adjuntamos un ejemplar del Informe de 6 de julio de 2004, así como de algunos de los muchos artículos publicados en la prensa nacional e internacional sobre este tema.
Además, los informes televisivos que se han emitido por canales tales como CNN, BBC, ITV, ARD, ZDF y muchos más, no contribuyen a una buena imagen de España.
El informe del Parlamento Europeo constata que "ninguna de las victimas ha logrado obtener satisfacción alguna a través de los tribunales", por lo que rogamos a Su Majestad tenga a bien intervenir en defensa de los derechos que la Constitución Española garantiza a los pequeños propietarios, que en la Comunidad Valenciana se ven lamentablemente conculcados al amparo de la LRAU.
Translation of letter handed to the King:
Your Majesty,
We are victims of the urban development abuse perpetrated in the Valencian region under cover of the "Ley Reguladora de la Actividad Urbanistica" 6/1994 (LRAU). There are tens of thousands of us, Spaniards and other nationalities, and we wish to take this opportunity to inform your Majesty of a serious breach of the rule of law which is making the lives of many modest property owners a real nightmare.
Following the visit to the region by its official fact-finding delegation, the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament adopted their report and condemned the abuses in the Valencian region. We enclose a copy of the European Parliament report (6 July 2004), together with some examples of the many articles published in the national and international press.
Moreover, the TV reports broadcast by channels such as CNN, BBC, ITV, ARD, ZDF and many more, do not do anything to improve Spain's image abroad.
The European Parliament report states that "none of the victims has succeeded in obtaining satisfaction through the Courts …". We therefore respectfully request your Majesty to intervene in defence of property owners' rights guaranteed by the Spanish Constitution and which are unfortunately trampled under foot in this region under cover of the LRAU.

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