
Thursday, May 20, 2004

The Abusos Urbanisticos No Collective (AUN) yesterday issued a press statement to the effect that it did not intend to proceed any further in the European Parliamentary electoral process, adding that it was extremely pleased with the support it had received, and that the collective could have indeed won two or three seats in the European Parliament. However, the statement added that AUN is a civic association, and not a political party, and was approached by three political parties to join their platforms in the European elections, but the Collective expressed the belief that the reverse should have happened, counting as it does on cross-party support from its members in and out of Spain. The statement added that AUN expressed its support for the political parties who will carry the AUN message to the European Parliament, and urged its members to vote for those political parties and candidates whose views most closely are aligned with that of the AUN.

Monday, May 17, 2004

From Valencia Life Network News
The bureau of the European Parliament has agreed to authorise a fact-finding mission by three non-Spanish members of the Petitions Committee to the Valencian Community in order to investigate the alleged land abuses committed under the Valencian land Laws known as LRAU, and denounced in front of the Petitions Committee by Charles Svoboda the President of the AUN Collective earlier this year. The delegation announced that it will also hold discussions with members of the Valencian Government, and added that it would be also visiting other autonomies where laws similar to the LRAU are in place. No date for the visit has as yet been made public.
Meanwhile, yesterday, the Collective staged an extensive demonstration in Valencia against the ‘aggressive abusive and evil law’ LRAU. The march ended in front of the Valencian Parliament building, where a manifesto was read.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

El Sr. Del Rosal, Ombudsman de la región valenciana, propone 13 recomendaciones al gobierno regional con el fin de mejorar la protección de los derechos de propietarios ante los abusos de agentes urbanizadores bajo cobertura de la injusta y agresiva ley urbanística (LRAU).
En los últimos años victimas no sólo han perdido terrenos sino también se ven obligados a pagar cargas urbanísticas astronómicas por infraestructuras que no necesitan ni quieren.
Sr. Del Rosal pide al gobierno regional
1. La restricción del poder de municipios en la reclasificación de terrenos.
2. El control del cálculo del precio de terrenos expropiados por agentes urbanizadores.
3. La transparencia total en el cálculo de cargas urbanísticas impuestas a residentes.
4. La financiación de otras infraestructuras por parte de agentes urbanizadores.
5. Prioridad a proyectos propuestos por grupos de residentes.
6. Acceso a toda información relevante a planes parciales.
Abusos Urbanísticos NO (AUN), en su lucha por cambios significativos a la LRAU, LUV, etc., está aumentando la presión al gobierno valenciano. Presentara varios candidatos a las elecciones al Parlamento europeo. Además AUN organiza el día 15 de mayo una manifestación contra la LRAU en Valencia.


Isidor Molla of the Benissa based CIBE Party yesterday played host to a meeting of several Euro MPs, who were shown the urbanising activity around the Pedramala area of the municipality. Also present at the meeting and subsequent visit was Charles Svoboda, the President of the Abusos Urbanisticos-No collective. As the meeting came to an end, the MP stated the view that they fully supported the work and protests undertaken by the AUN Group, and added that the Valencian Land Laws known as LRAU is destroying the land in the Valencian Community.

AUN meanwhile, has announced that it is intent on staging a protest march against the LRAU in Valencia next Saturday – May 15 (more information available from fredrikw@home.se).

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